Excel Application Window

Excel Application Window:

User can start Excel program as follows:
1. Click Start
2. Select All Programs
3. Point to Microsoft Office Excel 2007
4. Excel window appears as shown in Figure 3.1

Figure: 3.1

Components of Excel Window:

 The excel 2007 window is made up of the several components discussed as follows:

Office Button:

 The Office Button is at the top left of the Excel window. Clicking this button opens  a menu of commands.
  Recent documents can be seen on the right of the Office Button Menu. Figure 3.2 Shows Office Button menu with commands.

Figure 3.2


Quick Access Toolbar:

 Next to the Microsoft Office Button is the Quick Access Toolbar. The quick Access Toolbar gives access to frequently used commands. 
 By default, Save, Undo and Redo appear on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Quick Access Toolbar

Title Bar:

  It is located at the top of the Excel window. On the Title bar, Microsoft Excel displays the name of the workbook currently used.
   User Could see " Book1 - Microsoft Excel" at the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar of the Excel window.
Title Bar

   On the right side of Title Bar are three control buttons: Minimize, Restore or Maximize and close buttons to control the window.


    The Ribbon, as shown is Figure 3.3, is located below the Quick Access Toolbar. The commands on the Ribbon  are organized in seven tabs and each tab is divided into groups which have buttons of related commands.
Figure 3.3 Ribbon

Formula Bar:

  Formula bar displays the contents of the active cell and the formula as user types then in an active cell. The formula bar can be used to edit cell's content easily. 

Figure 3.4 Formula Bar

The formula bar also contains the Insert Function button used to guide the user through the creation of mathematical farmulae.  Figure 3.4 shows formula bar.

Name Box:

  Name Box displays the reference of the active cells. It is located next to the formula bar, as shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5 Name Box

It can also be used to go to a specific cell by entering the name of the cell in it.

Document(Worksheet) Window:

  The document (worksheet) window contains an Excel workbook that consists of a number of worksheets. A worksheet is a document window where user can enter data and modify it. 
  The worksheet is made up of rows and columns. Intersection of a row and column is called a cell. The name of the cell is made up of the column name and the row number, for example, A1 is the cell in column A and row 1. 
At the bottom of each worksheet is a numbered sheet tabs. It has the name of the worksheet on it, which can be changed. Sheet tab can be used to bring the worksheet to the front. Figure 3.6 shows a document window.

Figure 3.6 Excel Document Window 

   Sheet Tabs:

   Sheet tabs, as shown in figure 3.7, are used to access different worksheets in a workbook. By default three sheet tabs are available in a menu and selecting the 'Insert' option followed by 'worksheet' option. User can also change the tabs name to easily identify the data entered in the sheet using right click menu.
Figure 3.7 Sheet Tabs

