How to install XAMPP Server On Window 10 - PHP PDO training 2

PHP and MySQLi video tutorial for beginners with complete projects, examples, help and practical script assingments. 
In this brand new we'll be learning how we can learn PHP and MySQL from scratch using PDO and OOP methods.

In this video we'll be able to setup and install XAMPP local server on your window 7, 8 and 10 with complete guides and help.

This series makes the beginners an advance level web developer using the best examples and easy code and script learning method.
We'll be using modern and advance web development best-practices throughout this series to ensure that our course and web development sites are secure, easy-to-maintain and efficiently uses resources.
This video series is a presentation for our viewers where they will be able to get notify about our php complete web development projects and course contents. You can find that how you can learn programming using PHP, PDO, MYSQL, HTML, css, Bootstrap, jQuery, dom, phpmyadmin, xampp installation, and all the coding using different examples, demos, tips, scripting languages, source code and lessons.
For more details or Tips and Guide contact us.
Phone: 03425581504
Whatsapp: 03425581504
Imo: 03425581504


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